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Rutgers is one of the partner institutions of the NSF I-Corps Northeast Region Hub; the Hub offers many opportunities and programs and all are available to Rutgers innovators.
Teams of 2 or more with an innovation are encouraged to apply for the 4-session Regional I-Corps Training Program at Rutgers-New Brunswick. See details about I-Corps and how it can help you learn about the market for your innovation below. Use the “APPLY AS A TEAM” link to apply.
Our next Propelus Cohort will be offered in May/June 2025. Tentative sessions dates are May 21, May 28, June 4 and June 18. The first and last sessions will be held in-person in New Brunswick, NJ. The application deadline is April 30, 2025.
Future Rutgers Cohorts will be held in October/November.
What is I-Corps?
I-Corps is an experiential training program funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) . The program helps teams of innovators explore the commercial potential of their research/innovation through “customer discovery” interviews with key stakeholders.
Faculty, staff and students from ALL Rutgers campuses/schools and alumni who have a technology-based innovation are invited to apply for this eye-opening 4-session program. We also accept teams of innovators located in the Northeast Region who are not affiliated with a school or university.
The I-Corps teaching team has one main goal – to support innovators in transitioning their technology concept(s) into the marketplace.

Ideas or projects can originate from research (funded or unfunded), institutional projects, capstone projects or other student work. Many projects are in area(s) of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) normally supported by the National Science Foundation but that is not a requirement.
How can I learn more?
If you are interested in I-Corps, we suggest you attend an Information Session or Novus (half day) Intro to I-Corps program. For specific questions, email us at We are also willing to meet with you to provide more information. Innovators (Faculty, Staff and students and community members) can participate in any programs or training offered through the Northeast Region I-Corps Hub. See the Hub calendar for opportunities or programs offered at partner schools.
If you are working on an innovation, have a team of two or more, and want to apply to the Regional program (Propelus), use the APPLY AS A TEAM link above. See the team members tab for a description of the roles of team members to help you complete your application.
I-Corps Fellowship
We also offer additional opportunities for students and Post-docs who do not have their own innovation to join a team going through an upcoming I-Corps Cohort as a Fellow. The Fellows receive a stipend for this unique and exciting educational experience. Interested? Learn about the Fellowship here or apply below.
Not ready to apply – we encourage you to sign up for the Hub newsletter here to learn about all upcoming opportunities.
Benefits of participating in I-Corps™
- Gain a deeper knowledge of the market; discover new market applications for your innovation – “the Pivot”
- Learn what it takes to commercialize technology and overcome barriers; improve future fundability
- Earn designation as an NSF-funded project >eligible to apply for the National NSF I-Corps™ and a $50k grant
- Receive a stipend for up to $1500 for Customer Discovery and related expenses
- Foster new collaborations; integrate into the larger Rutgers and regional innovation ecosystem
- Connect to “next steps” resources
For questions, you can email We are also happy to meet with you to discuss upcoming programs and opportunities.

Application Guidelines and Process
Who can apply?
Rutgers faculty, staff and students on ALL campuses and alumni are eligible to apply to the NE I-Corps Hub cohorts. Cohorts are also open to all schools who are members of the Hub and those in the region. You must have two or more team members to be accepted into the Regional Program. See information about forming an I-Corps team here .
Note: If you are interested in participating in I-Corps as an Entrepreneurial Lead but don’t have an innovation, we may be able to match you with a team. We also suggest you attend a Novus Program to meet our team and other regional innovators in person.
Where do I-Corps innovations come from?
Hub team ideas or projects can originate from faculty or staff research (funded or unfunded), student work, or capstone projects.. The topical focus of a project should be in an area(s) of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) normally supported by the National Science Foundation or other federal agency. Please email us at with any eligibility questions.
Who can apply for the fellowship?
Students (undergraduate and graduate) and Post-Docs from underrepresented groups at Rutgers and the other schools in the region are encouraged to apply to be an I-Corps Fellow. Visit the Fellowship page for more information.
When do I submit my application?
We have a rolling interview process and most teams that apply will be contacted to schedule a 20 minute Zoom interview with the Application Review Committee. Rutgers Cohort Application deadlines are typically listed on this page. See the Hub calendar for virtual opportunities or programs offered at partner schools.
Learn more in the following articles:
- I-Corps startup Steg.AI licenses with Rutgers University
- Research@Rutgers Article –
- Rutgers Today article Bringing a Silicon Valley Approach to Help Rutgers Research Move Beyond the Laboratory, Rutgers launches local National Science Foundation supported program to train scientists to become entrepreneurs
Visit the Hub News page for programs, events, funding and more, sign up for the Hub Newsletter
Note: We welcome innovators from the Northeast Region to join Hub programs; you DO NOT need to be affiliated with a Hub member university to participate. Whether in person or virtual, Programs offered in-person at specific universities are open to the entire Hub community.