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The New Jersey Aquaculture Innovation Center (AIC) is a research and training facility that supports New Jersey aquaculture. The AIC supports production of disease-resistant seed oysters, a critical component in efforts to revitalize the oyster industry in Delaware Bay and other east coast bays and estuaries.
Repairs were needed when two 80,000 gallon, steel raw seawater settling tanks required demolition after a catastrophic failure in late spring 2019. Improvements thus far include the following:
- 4 smaller fiberglass tanks replaced the old system
- A new seawater delivery system was designed
- Other mechanical issues were addressed while the construction crew was on site
Businesses in the state benefit from resources provided by the AIC, such as learning methods of commercially raising seafood. This facility also provides entrepreneurs with a business incubator for small-scale pilot projects, targeted at stimulating new business opportunities.